Plenty of fish in the seas, looking for a giant, heads above the crowds, just saying.....Howard the duck, cross dresser,swinging on the beach,skin shots. Frank Agresti,NY escapees....Juliana Santiago.enty of Fish in the seas. NY escapees.. Jewish Proverb" 14 Crooks: Age Of Darkness. Wales On Land. Pros. Jay Z, its fine.Review of Happy Daze Pool bar, love.Big Waves: BLACK WITH NO CREAM:Toads, snakes, spiders and worms, full of dirt, mud, roots of rotten kids, nuts to waste, kill or mark, sinners, saints, cows to call. Full Frog, freaks, fools ships on the water, lovers, haters, suckers for sex to trade, treats, tales of the chances, choices, the changes.Voices, Views, Values, Dimes Dropped.
No Regrets,No Excuses:People I Used To Know:Once. Mothers, Moms, Men, Mice, Cartoon Hits, Across The Decades, Waves Made, Head Counts.How is life in today compared to when you were a child?Back in time, the way things were.HARDAWAY FAMILY REUNION:Baileys, DeSilvas, Breanagh, Calip, Moore, Allens
Rotten Apples, Fags, Hags, Steers, Queers, Faces In The Crowds.The Bangles – Walk Like an Egyptian: QUEEN CHANEL:Love is like a butterfly… it goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes.SEEKER OF TRUTH."Dances In Darkness, Family Affairs, Gates To Heaven. Pages To Books.
IN TOWN . Believe or Deceive? Why Liars Are Difficult to Sniff Out -Disneyland, Police State Of Crooks, Rats In Gloves, Wave Of Voices, Voices, Values, Dances With Wolves.In A Quiet State:Angels come, Stars In The Darkness.Faces In The Mirror.I AIN’T THE ONE TO GOSSIP. SPRUCE POWER, SOLAR PANELS.Just want to welcome everyone. Another view online to share, hits and misses, retards and rejects, with stories of hate. Have to say, this is a problem for the veterans that I know, to find houses to live in. All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing”. A thought:
A WISE MAN HEARS ONE WORD AND UNDERSTANDS TWO.GOOD AND SWEET TIPS: AIN'T NOBODY'S BUSINESS IF I DO:Detours End; wonderful tests over time. Faces in shadows, faces to the oceans, faces under the skin, read, rites, and homeless blues, good times.Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.
Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams. Lost and found, free wills, to give up something that you love, how to start over, bitterness takes a turn, hopes and wishes in the air.I 'asked my Grandma "what's good for headaches"... She said "staying away from the mf who gave it to you"'.
Just Saying... Creativity,Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun” Good Afternoon. Adult Lounge. Thickness Paradise NO NUDES OF FROGS..Adult Humour! Enough for the Charmed:Spruce Power/Kilowatt Financial/Sungevity..What are your thoughts on the new Ultimate Wolverine design by marvel ? I like it, it’s dope. The red and black looks way cooler than the original. But hey the original…
Detours End; wonderful tests over time. Faces in shadows, faces to the oceans, faces under the skin, read, rites, and homeless blues, good times.Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.Morons, Angels To Cry, Tests Over Time, To Fail, First Attempts With New Data, Pages Turned. Dan Evans - Lic. # 01324544.
Stupid can not be fixed. cured or traded. Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. It might be argued that Adam and Eve WERE the first humans, but they certainly WAS not the first humans.Are a man: a real good guy, funny and smart, like Micky Mouse, Jesus Christ, Johnny Depp, Alice Common, men and mice, cartoon hits for how many decades, baby boomers, the rest are still boys, toys are different, also.
Leaders of cows, crooks, cheaters, liars, Jewish Wales, cards to play, coins to flip, poker players, faces off for the light of rites, reasons, seasons of love, peace and happiness. The journey is what brings us happiness. Not the destination. Enjoy the journey. Fingers in the airTeamWork Makes Dreams Work!” Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons. Nice poetry you got there. I'm a poet too but haven't written in a long while.
Howard the duck, cross dresser,swinging on the beach,skin shots. Frank Agresti,NY escapees....Juliana Santiago.enty of Fish in the seas. NY escapees..

IN TOWN . Believe or Deceive? Why Liars Are Difficult to Sniff Out -Disneyland, Police State Of Crooks, Rats In Gloves, Wave Of Voices, Voices, Values, Dances With Wolves.In A Quiet State:Angels come, Stars In The Darkness.Faces In The Mirror.I AIN’T THE ONE TO GOSSIP. SPRUCE POWER, SOLAR PANELS.Just want to welcome everyone., to blame who this time.The Good, The Bad, and the Downright Awful.Karen Black 1939 - 2013.
Dennis Fimple 1940 - 2002
Irwin Keyes 1952 - 2015
Matt McGrory 1973 - 2005
Tom Towles - 1950 - 2015
Harrison Young 1930 - 2005
ENJOY THE RIDE AND never forget your way back home I'M ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU. I CAN'T PROMISE TO BE HERE Far the rest can promise to love LOVE, DAD But your rest mine'.
Plenty of fish in the seas, looking for a giant, heads above the crowds, just saying.....Howard the duck, cross dresser,swinging on the beach,skin shots. Frank
Agresti,NY escapees....Juliana Santiago. Plenty of Fish in the seas. NY escapees..
When I’m not studying, I like being social and active but equally enjoy my quiet time. Alone again, silent knights, house on the block, walks to the beach, retired, it would be so nice. IT HURTS ME TO READ AND WRITE THESE TERRIBLE THINGS HONESTLY. Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
Howard the duck, cross dresser,swinging on the beach,skin shots. Frank Agresti,NY escapees....Juliana Santiago.enty of Fish in the seas. NY escapees..
Dancing on the Beach: A collection of essays expressing deep love and connection to the wisdom of the ocean eBook : Teoste, Cathy: Kindle Store.
Stupid can not be fixed. cured or traded. Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. It might be argued that Adam and Eve WERE the first humans, but they certainly WAS not the first humans.Are a man: a real good guy, funny and smart, like Micky Mouse, Jesus Christ, Johnny Depp, Alice Common, men and mice, cartoon hits for how many decades, baby boomers, the rest are still boys, toys are different, also.
Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge.WHEREVER YOUR JOURNEY LIFE MAY YOU, you always be safe.