To The Delete Lover. May the Fleas of a Thousand Camels infest your armpits.The Fed Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Peter Schiff’s,Mafia.'NO MATTER How Badly Life Treated You Last Year... Just Walk Tall With Your Head Held High THIS is a Brand New Year Baby! HAPPY NEW YEAR'.Faces In The Clouds, Winner, Losers, Learners, Pebbles On The Shores. Dances In The Streets, Surface Shots, Lions..The secret of getting ahead is getting started” ..
Welcome, to my world, as the world turns, bumps in the road, faces in the shadows. Dances In The Dark, Spiders, And Snakes, Tips And Tales: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!God Bless You and God Bless America!
Welcome, to my world, as the world turns, bumps in the road, faces in the shadows. Dances In The Dark, Spiders, And Snakes, Tips And Tales: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!God Bless You and God Bless America!
'How To Stop Giving a f*ck Remeber that everything in life everything is Temporary Nobody actually gives f*ck about you they have Their own life.From Primate to Politicians .EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING. Talk on the street says…Court order May 5, 2023, forces real estate agency, to change pending to expired. Just to let you know.Issues to share. I ain’t the one to gossip. You reap what you sow. Be mindful of your behavior and how you treat others.Ready to Rock & Roll.Spruce Power Sucks: USA-Worst Solar Panel.
Keep in mind that you're billion people 1of Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't advice from.
ROCKSTOROLLGEMSTOFINDPEBBLESONSHORE.BLOGSPOT.COM. The Jerusalem Post: Love, Lights, Lessons, hung out to dry, words in waves to come. Earth Angels: Rats To Races, Free Rides, Holiday Hits And Misses, Joys To The Worlds. Ready for What?You reap what you sow. Be mindful of your behavior and how you treat others.Pilar Dsilvas' Blog,RAZZLE DAZZLE!Rather consensus.
You are special and you are loved. Star Bright.Love me, Hate me., it really doesn't matter, but what does matter is that u can't ignore me...!! Traveller.The Good, The Bad, and the Downright Awful. 'HAIL MARRY ".Stuck In The Middle With You. Games Played, Rabbits And Snakes: Sheep And Goats Tell. Coins and cards to flip.
Detours End; wonderful tests over time. Faces in shadows, faces to the oceans, faces under the skin, read, rites, and homeless blues, good times.Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.
PAUSE FINANCIAL CHANGES.Good And Sweet: Like,Good In Plenty.YIKES, HEAD FOR THE HILLS, THE JACKASSES ARE ON THE ROOF, TRYING TO GET IN YOUR POCKET. Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Fairy Tales, Recaps:Blast In Past Lives: Earth Angels .NO SHIT SHERLOCK.
Focus on Yourself and on your goals, once you do it, other opinion Won't affect you If you're not following me, We might not see each other again wish you All the Best Save this Post'
FOR THE FIRST TIME..Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads
Traveled.So peaceful and serene! My kinda place!
Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you. Correct a wise man and he will appreciate you.'Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking!
Funds for the veteran housing matters, houses for the winter dazes, homes with heat, without bed bugs for the veterans left with the stories, the nightmares, the daily battles with the ghosts and spooks.
Winners,Losers,Learners, Daily Events, Fish And Frogs, Walks In The Park, Classes Of Rat Racers. Blue Oceans, Blue Birds And Bees, New Lives Starts, Pages Turned. "Trick ? Or Treat!? Life.PEOPLE SAY , I ACT, LIKE DON'T GIVE A FUCK. MOTHERFUCKERS... I'M NOT ACTING.
Lots Of bumps in the road, lots of snakes and frogs, searching for prey. Help is needed for the houses and homes, for the veterans, funds for homes, funds for services to the doctors, funds for cars, and funds for the trips back in time. |
Now please tell me if the shades of gray of Steven Jay Jarrot, has been presented enough yet?Birds And Bees, Hares Lost Again, Eaten Alive, Sons In Moon, Man Made Of Cheese, Coins To Flip.'How To Stop Giving a f*ck Remeber that everything in life everything is Temporary Nobody actually gives f*ck about you they have Their own life.
Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you. Correct a wise man and he will appreciate you.'Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking!DANCES IN THE AIR.Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled.
Not today, muthaf*cka .Birthdays Always Fun?"MEMORY, MIND, Inevitable. You are only making the best of any given situation.Then vs Now .The Struggle - This is Where Bad Times Begin ... - Barnes & Noble. Living The Good Life.PEOPLE SAY , I ACT, LIKE DON'T GIVE A FUCK. MOTHERFUCKERS... I'M NOT ACTING.
What is all this mumbo jumbo ?????? Dances In Darkness: Snakes, Spiders, Toads: I AIN’T THE ONE TO GOSSIP. SPRUCE POWER, SOLAR PANELS.Just want to welcome everyone. The site is here to share questions and answers on solar .
Who Let The Dogs Out?Miles Davis - So What.What beef? What do you do when there's nothing left to hold on to?Its about time, its about space, its about being lost in time.What are your thoughts on the new Ultimate Wolverine design by marvel ? I like it, it’s dope. The red and black looks way cooler than the original. But hey the original… Sharks and land whales, tales to spin, love and lights, Disney California Adventure park. Nice to know, more tips to share, holiday hits and misses, joy to the world, lots of love to share, pages to books, family affairs., Things We Have In Common, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys, Family... Head Counts, Winners, Sinners, Saints, Heads Up. Under The Layers, Skin, Blood, Hearts, High Times, Burning Trees, Coins To Count, Rights, Reasons, Seasons Of Givers, Takers, Lucky Breaks.
Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled. Heads, tails, coins to flip, cons to run, clowns to the left, jokers to the right, stu...
One Nation :God Bless America, Ways to tell your future, helps you to tune in, and get the answers. Have projects for housing with vetera...
Time to leave that part of my past in the dirt, to bury hurt and pain. More stories to share with you, lessons learned about the bumps in the road. Animals and people ànd what they meant to me. It was 2-4 years in the making. I thought it was a common story, ànd I wrote my views out, because I was told to shut up so often for a lack of understanding and was treated like a step-child.
So you say you want a revolution . Veteran on a run to find friends, nuts to dodge, trees to roots, family affairs, cows, hippos, and wales on land. Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.What is, is not, What is not, is.
Cycles Of Rites, Reasons, Givers, Takers, Winners, Losers, Learners. Fairy Tales Toads. P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer..Opposite Standards,Let The Music Play, Dances On Time.
Tips given"Creativity, Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun". TIME TO TURN THE PAGE: Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday. Was not expecting that... GROOVE! I'm starting a blog... seeking user submitted content.Light and darkness, dances for the rites, dances on the waters, gods of the seas, gods of the gods, tales in the past, country and kings, history to note..A "curve ball. Spruce Powers, solar panel company,, check your shit basket, for the dung, of the fecal matters.
The Struggle - This is Where Bad Times Begin ... - Barnes & Noble. Living The Good Life.Glory Dazes Done.Good And Sweet: Like,Good In Plenty.BREAKING News:Friends, Family, Foes, Cats To Tales: Love, Luck, Lessons ... Rachel Jarrot-Class of 2013-La Quinta, Cali Cow to Colorado Buffalo Bison and cattle do fly.3 Times, The Charm.Rats To Roaches, Walks Of Fame,
Veterans to watch out.Good Times, Joys And Pains, Dances In Purple Rain, Ship To Cross, Paths On The Water, Beach Views.Good luck, hope you win, walks in lights, walks to fame, cheers,and chaps, nice view of women, to share.Nuts,Cum,Shots In The Dark: Kids To Goats, Views, Voices,
Values.No Free Rides, Today. God is never late. Hasn't this country had enough lessons from the HOLOCAUST? Good time toads, rotten men, rotten kids, run of the rats, bitches with stars, hoes with
hogs, wigs to caps, bald heads in the sun.

Family Affairs, Nuts, Freaks,Fools,Head Counts. Houses, Homes,God Ties.Dark Angels. Twists,Tests Over Time, Blue Oceans To Cross. Ships, Sound Minds.Glory Dazes Ahead.Thanks Given Daily..Great shot, have to say, love the message, free and fearless, 5 star bitches, notes to take. Good luck, hope you win, walks in lights, walks to fame, cheers,and chaps, nice view of women, to share.Nuts,Cum,Shots In The Dark: Kids To Goats, Views, Voices, Values.
Cheers and chaps, another year to mark, lots of cake, lots of lucky breaks, good times,and many more birthdays, every day, gifts to open. Your eyes....
Happy Dazes, Happy Birthday, Howard James, not James. Oranges and apples, nuts and fun, dances with the angels all the time. Just saying....
Okay, have to say, have a moment to spare, thanks for the practice, posts that get flagged, have to wonder, what is it that you hate to read.Writer, writer, writer. Oh, I also write.Support and Accountability Act the Student Testing Improvement Empowering students. parents. and teachers by focusing on TEACHING not TESTING #TimeToLearn 1 if you agree @RepSinema' .Lovers, Haters, Nuts To Fall, Angels On Earth: Veteran For Life.
Hasn't this country had enough lessons from the HOLOCAUST? Good time toads, rotten men, rotten kids, run of the rats, bitches with stars, hoes with hogs, wigs to caps, bald heads in the sun.
Hasn't this country had enough lessons from the HOLOCAUST? Good time toads, rotten men, rotten kids, run of the rats, bitches with stars, hoes with hogs, wigs to caps, bald heads in the sun.
Don't ever allow anyone to take you for granted, you are too valuable not to be appreciated. It's so dope to watch ppl succeed and do cool s...
Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels.GOOD TIME FROGS, MEN AND MICE, CARTOONS ACROSS THE DECADES.I stopped reading at your name. I know you have to clap back for your ma.
Guardians of the Galaxy:Head Counts, Winners, Sinners, Saints, Dances On Clouds. LOVE, LUCK, LESSONS, Rights, reasons, seasons of dances in the light of day, good times, faces in layers of colors, views to delight, another great day, in the land...
Lovers, Haters, Nuts To Fall, Angels On Earth: Veteran For Life.Full Of Joy. Darling You're Not Alice And This Is Not Wonderland. BLASTINTHEPASTSHIPSOFSUCKERSFORFEES.BLOGSPOT.COM Full Of Joy. Darling You're Not Alice And This Is Not Wonderland. Love, Lights, Lessons, Tests Over Time, Head Counts, Lucky Breaks, Glory Dazes To Come.
Joy comes in the morning, peace, love, happiness to follow, lucky breaks, and tests over time, daily event, are you a teacher or a student , most of the time. ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed, dense and dumb for a season in the sun, as a frog or a fish plenty of them both in the sea.I am thirsty for living people, simple and loving people... Loving, sweet, tender people.
Another view online to share, hits and misses, retards and rejects, with stories of hate. Have to say, this is a problem for the veterans that I know, to find houses to live in. All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing”. A thought:Radio Far Side.Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Faces Under The Surface.TEAM KRISTEN GABEL Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers ...Lovers, Friends, Family Members:| escrow321.HORSES HORSIN' AROUND, “Israel’s security is based partly on a relationship with the United States.
Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
Lovers, Haters, Nuts To Fall, Angels On Earth: Veteran For Life.
I'M GOING TO TRY AND ACT LIKE A NORMAL, HAPPY, MENTALLY BALANCED PERSON TODAY. WISH ME LUCK!Cheers and chaps, another year to mark, lots of cake, lots of lucky breaks, good times,and many more birthdays, every day, gifts to open. Your eyes....Happy Dazes, Happy Birthday, Howard James, not James. Oranges and apples, nuts and fun, dances with the angels all the time. Just saying....
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